NASA Orientation Package

NASA Orientation Package

On behalf of your Academic Staff Association, welcome to NAIT!

The NAIT Academic Staff Association (NASA) has existed since 1982, and represents you in dealings with NAIT’s Board and management.

NASA is governed by our Executive with each School/Department being represented by an elected member(s) from that area – so watch your email for updates from your School’s Representative, or feel free to contact our office with any questions.

Are you interested in becoming active in the Association? It’s a great opportunity to meet people from around the Institute, and to make a contribution to your colleagues. In addition to elected committees, a number of committees are appointed to assist with NASA business throughout the year. When you see a ‘Call for Volunteers’, please consider submitting your name. It is through volunteer activities that we ensure the members are well represented at various levels in the Institute.

We are confident you will find NAIT an enjoyable and rewarding place to work. Should you have any issues or concerns, please phone the office at 780-471-8702, or drop in to see us in E230.